Mobile eCheck Processing

eCheck Processing To Accept Electronic Checks!

How Long Do Your Company's Checks Sit In A Truck Or Van Before Making It Into The Office For Deposit?

Process Check Payments In The Field For Reduced Liability & Decreased Time To Receive Payments!

Ideal Payment Solution for HVAC Contractors, Electricians, Plummers, Construction, Landscaping, Home Healthcare, Printing, Delivery Services & More!

Why Should I Consider Mobile Check Processing?

In working with some of our clients that collect checks in the field, we were astonished to learn that the check payments, and customer paperwork, will be stored in a delivery truck or service van, sometimes for a week or longer, before the vehicle, along with the paperwork and payment, made it back into the office where it could be processed and deposited.

In between, these vehicles were often parked in high-crime areas and it was common for payments to be lost or stolen and none of the drivers or service personnel wanted to be liable for holding onto these payments.

To solve these challenges, CyoGate has developed a Mobile Payments Processing Application to enable processing of both credit cards and echecks from a mobile device.

With CyoGate's Mobile eCheck Processing services, the liability of storing paper checks can be completely elimiated, monies can be collected quicker, and because the transaction processes immediately, it is less likely that the payors account will have NSF at the time the check is presented.

We also have advanced integration services to enable you to automatically record mobile check payments in your home office accounting system with no data entry!

For more information on accepting eChecks, please contact us.

Apply for a Merchant Account Signup for the Payment Gateway Get the Android App

Retail & Internet Merchant Accounts

An Internet Merchant Account is sometimes referred to as a "MOTO" (Mail Order & Telephone Order) Account because they all require the ability to process a credit card payment when there is no physical credit card present to be swiped. A standard retail "swipe" merchant account does not allow processing of these "card-not-present" transactions.

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High Risk Merchant Accounts

If the domestic banks are denying your merchant application because they believe your industry is considered high risk, CyoGate can help! We have an offshore network of merchant processing partners that enable us to provide low cost, high risk merchant solutions to a much wider range of businesses and industries.

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Internet Payment Gateway

The CyoGate Internet Payment Gateway offers one of the quickest and most cost effective ways to accept and process credit card and electronic check payments online. Our payment gateway works with most existing merchant accounts and supports hundreds of popular web shopping carts and eCommerce platforms.

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