Recurring Transactions Variables
Direct Post API

Add a Plan

Variable Name Description
recurring* Add a recurring plan that subscriptions can be added to in the future.
Value: 'add_plan'
plan_payments* The number of payments before the recurring plan is complete.
Notes: '0' for until canceled
plan_amount* The plan amount to be charged each billing cycle.
Format: x.xx
plan_name* The display name of the plan.
plan_id* The unique plan ID that references only this recurring plan.
day_frequency** How often, in days, to charge the customer. Cannot be set with 'month_frequency' or 'day_of_month'.
month_frequency*** How often, in months, to charge the customer. Cannot be set with 'day_frequency'. Must be set with 'day_of_month'.
Values: 1 through 24
day_of_month*** The day that the customer will be charged. Cannot be set with 'day_frequency'. Must be set with 'month_frequency'.
Values: 1 through 31 - for months without 29, 30, or 31 days, the charge will be on the last day
* Always required
** Required unless 'month_frequency' and 'day_of_month' is set.
*** Required unless 'day_frequency' is set.

Add a Subscription to an Existing Plan

Variable Name Description
recurring* Associate payment information with a recurring plan.
Value: add_subscription
plan_id* The plan ID of the plan that the subscription will be associated with.
start_date The first day that the customer will be charged.
ccnumber** Credit card number.
ccexp** Credit card expiration.
Format: MMYY
payment*** The type of payment.
Default: 'creditcard'
Values: 'creditcard' or 'check'
checkname*** The name on the customer's ACH account.
checkaccount*** The customer's bank account number.
checkaba*** The customer's bank routing number.
account_type*** The customer's ACH account type.
Values: 'checking' or 'savings'
account_holder_type*** The customer's ACH account entity.
Values: 'personal' or 'business'
sec_code ACH standard entry class codes.
Values: 'PPD', 'WEB', 'TEL', or 'CCD'
first_name Cardholder's first name.
last_name Cardholder's last name.
address1 Card billing address.
city Card billing city
state Card billing state.
zip Card billing postal code.
country Card billing country code.
phone Billing phone number.
email Billing email address.
company Cardholder's company.
address2 Card billing address, line 2.
fax Billing fax number.
orderid Order ID
order_description Order Description
merchant_defined_field_# Can be set up in merchant control panel under 'Settings'->'Merchant Defined Fields'.
ponumber Cardholder's purchase order number.
processor_id If using Multiple MIDs, route to this processor (processor_id is obtained under Settings->Load Balancing in the Control Panel).
customer_receipt If set to true, when the customer is charged, they will be sent a transaction receipt.
Values: 'true' or 'false'
* Always required
** Required for credit card transactions
*** Required for ACH transactions

Adding a Custom Subscription

Variable Name Description
recurring* Add a custom recurring subscription that is NOT associated with an existing plan
Value: 'add_subscription'
plan_payments* The number of payments before the recurring plan is complete.
Notes: '0' for until canceled
plan_amount* The plan amount to be charged each billing cycle.
Format: x.xx
day_frequency** How often, in days, to charge the customer. Cannot be set with 'month_frequency' or 'day_of_month'.
month_frequency*** How often, in months, to charge the customer. Cannot be set with 'day_frequency'. Must be set with 'day_of_month'.
Values: 1 through 24
day_of_month*** The day that the customer will be charged. Cannot be set with 'day_frequency'. Must be set with 'month_frequency'.
Values: 1 through 31 - for months without 29, 30, or 31 days, the charge will be on the last day
start_date The first day that the customer will be charged.
ccnumber**** Credit card number.
ccexp**** Credit card expiration.
Format: MMYY
payment The type of payment.
Default: 'creditcard'
Values: 'creditcard' or 'check'
checkname The name on the customer's ACH account.
checkaccount The customer's bank account number.
checkaba The customer's bank routing number.
account_type The customer's ACH account type.
Values: 'checking' or 'savings'
account_holder_type The customer's ACH account entity.
Values: 'personal' or 'business'
sec_code ACH standard entry class codes.
Values: 'PPD', 'WEB', 'TEL', or 'CCD'
first_name Cardholder's first name.
last_name Cardholder's last name.
address1 Card billing address.
city Card billing city
state Card billing state.
zip Card billing postal code.
country Card billing country code.
phone Billing phone number.
email Billing email address.
company Cardholder's company.
address2 Card billing address, line 2.
fax Billing fax number.
orderid Order ID
order_description Order Description
merchant_defined_field_# Can be set up in merchant control panel under 'Settings'->'Merchant Defined Fields'.
ponumber Cardholder's purchase order number.
processor_id If using Multiple MIDs, route to this processor (processor_id is obtained under Settings->Load Balancing in the Control Panel).
customer_receipt If set to true, when the customer is charged, they will be sent a transaction receipt.
Values: 'true' or 'false'
* Always required
** Required unless 'month_frequency' and 'day_of_month' is set.
*** Required unless 'day_frequency' is set.
**** Required for credit card transactions
Required for ACH transactions

Update a Subscription's Billing Information

Variable Name Description
recurring* Update the subscription's billing information.
Value: 'update_subscription'
subscription_id* The subscription ID that will be updated.
* Always required

Delete a Subscription

Variable Name Description
recurring* Delete the subscription. Customer will no longer be charged.
Value: 'delete_subscription'
subscription_id* The subscription ID that will be deleted.
* Always required

Apply for a Merchant Account Signup for the Payment Gateway

Retail & Internet Merchant Accounts

An Internet Merchant Account is sometimes referred to as a "MOTO" (Mail Order & Telephone Order) Account because they all require the ability to process a credit card payment when there is no physical credit card present to be swiped. A standard retail "swipe" merchant account does not allow processing of these "card-not-present" transactions.

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High Risk Merchant Accounts

If the domestic banks are denying your merchant application because they believe your industry is considered high risk, CyoGate can help! We have an offshore network of merchant processing partners that enable us to provide low cost, high risk merchant solutions to a much wider range of businesses and industries.

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Internet Payment Gateway

The CyoGate Internet Payment Gateway offers one of the quickest and most cost effective ways to accept and process credit card and electronic check payments online. Our payment gateway works with most existing merchant accounts and supports hundreds of popular web shopping carts and eCommerce platforms.

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