Any merchant who wants to accept credit card payments directly requires a merchant account. The way most retail businesses process credit card payments is to swipe the credit card through a card-swipe terminal that transmits the transaction data to the merchant processor that then returns an approved/declined message back to the terminal.
In the case of card-not-present transactions, which include mail order, phone order, fax order, and Internet order, there is no physical credit card to swipe through a terminal. The payment gateway essentially acts like a card-swipe terminal for these card-not-present transactions.
There are effectively two primary components to the gateway:
So, if you wish to accept credit card payments from your customers directly, you will need to apply for a merchant account. If you will process transactions using card-swipe only, you will need a credit card terminal in addition to a merchant account. And, if you wish to process card-not-present transactions, you will also need an Internet payment gateway in addition to the merchant account.
It's important to note that card-not-present transactions require a special type of merchant account known as a "MOTO Merchant Account". MOTO is an aconym for "Mail Order / Telephone Order" but is used for any card-not-present credit card transactions including ecommerce and web orders. You are able to process card-swipe transaction using a MOTO merchant account, however, if your merchant account is approved for retail card-swipe only, you will not be able to use it with a gateway.
CyoGate offers numerous tools and techniques to help minimize chargeback ratios. If you need assistance with managing chargebacks, please contact us today!
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